The Lakes Area Food Shelf is committed to making sure that no one has to go hungry. The food shelf is considered a “choice food shelf” which means that it is set up like a grocery store and you will choose your own food, personal care items, and household goods from the selections available. We will also do curbside service and you may inquire about home delivery.
As a shopper, you agree to accepting the food "as is". Absolutely no sale of food is allowed. Please remember to bring reusable bags (choice shopping).
Tuesday 9AM - 12PM
Wednesday 3 PM - 6 PM
Thursday 9AM - 12PM
Lakes Area Food Shelf will be closed if area schools are closed due to inclement weather.
Physical Address (no mail accepted at this address)
We are located at:
29316 Patriot Avenue
Pequot Lakes, MN 56472
Any household making less than 300% of Federal Poverty Level (FPL) is eligible. Current year levels can be accessed at https://aspe.hhs.gov/poverty. We do not require any documentation to visit the food shelf. We have a simple registration process where we request basic household information. Volunteers are available to help our neighbors through every step of the process.